Category: Myanmar

Myanmar - Inle-See - Einbeinruderer

Info about the Inle Lake in Myanmar from Kyaw Thu

Due to the current situation surrounding the corona virus, many people from the tourism sector are losing their jobs, especially in regions such as Southeast Asia. Our guide Kyaw Thu from Nyaung Shwe, like many others, is severely affected by the situation. From his home country he speaks about the nearby Inle Lake. Share on

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Myanmar Pagoda

Introduction to Yangon – Nina from Myanmar

Our tour guide Nina from Yangon in Myanmar briefly presented us with her city, taxes on the history under British rule and the importance of Yangon. Share on email Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on whatsapp It is currently a difficult time for our partners in Southeast Asia because the international travel

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Star Tortoise Myanmar

The Fate of the Burmese Star Tortoise

The Burmese Star Tortoise is unique in central Myanmar, but its species is considered to be highly endangered. This rare species has almost been exterminated by illegal poaching. As a last resort, breeding in breeding stations such as the Wildlife Sanctuary Minzontaung applies.

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